The Determinants Analysis of Patent Quality: A New Perspective of Patent Citation Structure
Zhu Guilong, Wang Xiaoxiao
1.School of Business Administration,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510641,China; 2.School of Management,Qilu University of Technology,Jinan 250353,China
Abstract:Based on the analysis of the definition of patent quality,the evaluation index and the determinants,this paper puts forward the ratio of the forward citations and the backward citations as the measure of the patent quality.And according to the median of forward citations and backward citations,the patent quality is divided into four types:technology mavericks,technology pioneers,technology adopters,and technology enablers.This paper tests the influence of patent's technical characteristics and characteristics of applicant on patent quality by using the patent data of PATSTAT from 2006 to 2010.It reaches conclusions as follows:patent family size,the number of inventors,the breadth of technology and the number of non-patent literature have different influences on the patent quality.The large enterprises are more inclined to technology enablers.The small and medium-sized enterprises tend to be technology adopters.The universities are more inclined to be technology pioneers.And the role of university-industry collaboration has significant positive impact on the technology adopters and technology enablers.
朱桂龙, 王萧萧. 专利质量影响因素分析——基于专利引文结构新视角[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2019(9): 67-75.
Zhu Guilong, Wang Xiaoxiao. The Determinants Analysis of Patent Quality: A New Perspective of Patent Citation Structure. , 2019(9): 67-75.
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