An Investigation on Chinese Teenagers Mental Images of Scientists
Zhang Zhengyan1, Zhu Yina2, He Guangxi3
1. The Research Institution of Science Education, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China; 2. Department of Sociology, Communication University of China, Beijing 100024, China; 3. Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development, Beijing 100038, China
Abstract:This study investigates the mental images of scientists of 3856 primary and secondary school students in China by questionaire.Based on the exploratory factor analysis, the study found that:in terms of cognitive and emotional characteristics, teenagers believe that scientists intelligence quotient is high and their emotional intelligence is average.Compared with the evaluation of scientists, teenagers affirm their emotional intelligence and are not confident in their intelligence quotient.In terms of the value of work, teenagers rate the work of scientists as highly valuable, but this identification decline as they grew older and more educated.From the point of life status, teenagers stereotype of the life status of scientists is not obvious.
张正严, 朱依娜, 何光喜. 中国青少年心目中的科学家内在形象调查研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(10): 132-141.
Zhang Zhengyan, Zhu Yina, He Guangxi. An Investigation on Chinese Teenagers Mental Images of Scientists. , 2020(10): 132-141.
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