Abstract:Abstract:Given the complexity of scientific inquiry,the innovation process of science teams requires the integration of divergent knowledge and perspectives from different team members.Existing research has explored the mechanisms of Transactive Memory System(TMS)from team cognitions and team process perspectives.However,the impact of team information processing has been underestimated.This research collected 452 data from 73 research teams to investigate how empowering leadership of science teams affect team TMS in China via team reflectivity as a key mechanism and team proactive personality as a key boundary condition.The results show that team reflectivity partial mediated the relationship between empowering leadership and TMS and team proactive personality positively moderated the relationship between team reflectivity and TMS and thus indirectly moderated the relationship between empowering leadership and TMS.Our findings extend and enrich current research and provide important implications for managing science teams.
解志韬, 王辰轩. 科研团队授权型领导对交互记忆系统的影响研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(11): 137-146.
Xie Zhitao, Wang Chenxuan. The Effect of Empowering Leadership on Transactive Memory System in Scientific Teams. , 2020(11): 137-146.
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