Does the Objective Knowledge Really not Work ——Questions on the Way of Science Popularization of GM Technology
Pang Zhenjing1, Jiang Dinghan2
1. School of Public Policy & Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; 2. School of Statistics & Mathematics, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan 430073, China
Abstract:This paper explores the mechanism of objective knowledge on risk communication of GM technology by preset models,questionnaires and structural equations.It is found that objective knowledge has no significant direct effect on the risk communication of GM technology,while subjective knowledge can accurately replace objective knowledge,which has a significant predictive effect on the risk perception of GM technology.Objective knowledge and subjective knowledge can indirectly affect the public attitudes of GM technology through the mechanism of enlightening scientific rationality and weakening social rationality.At present,the core of the popularization of GM technology is to establish the legitimacy of knowledge in order to lay the foundation for public understanding and public participation.
庞祯敬, 蒋鼎汗. 客观知识的科技风险沟通作用真的失效了么——兼论转基因技术科普策略的选择[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(12): 144-153.
Pang Zhenjing, Jiang Dinghan. Does the Objective Knowledge Really not Work ——Questions on the Way of Science Popularization of GM Technology. , 2020(12): 144-153.
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