1.School of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China; 2.National Science and Technology Basic Condition Platform Center, Beijing 100029, China
Abstract:The development of the sharing concept can effectively improve the use efficiency of idle scientific research instruments and facilities,and achieve a more rational distribution of scientific research instruments and facilities.The sharing of scientific research equipment and facilities has enabled the scientific research force to be released to a greater extent.At the same time,it also faces the problem of intellectual property protection and incentives.Based on literature research and field research,this paper discovers the mechanism of intellectual property formation in the open sharing of scientific research instruments and facilities from the external environment and the internal relationship,clarifies the intellectual property issues existing in the open sharing of scientific research instruments and facilities in China,and then proposes corresponding incentive measures.It provides a realistic basis for the sustainable development of China's scientific research equipment and facilities open sharing business.
吴卫红, 董姗, 范治成, 相朋超. 科研仪器设施开放共享中的知识产权研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(2): 1-8.
Wu Weihong, Dong Shan, Fang Zhicheng, Xiang Pengchao. The Intellectual Property in the Open Sharing of Scientific Research Instruments and Facilities. , 2020(2): 1-8.
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