Reflexivity and Public Engagement:An Empirical Study on the Scientists' Attitude
Lu Yangxu1, Zhao Yandong2
1.Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development, Beijing 100038, China; 2.Center for Studies of Sociology Theory & Methodology, Remin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
Abstract:As an endeavor to better orient science,technology and innovation (STI)to social needs,Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)is becoming a hot concept in STI policy field.Using the data from a national survey of scientists in China conducted in 2014,this study examines China's scientists' attitude to public engagement in STI and how this attitude is affected by the scientist's reflexivity.The findings show that the scientists in China are generally positive towards public engagement in STI,yet they tends to be more positive towards public participation in applied research than that in basic research.Meanwhile,it is found that the reflectivity on risk and scientists' social responsibility can lead to positive attitude towards public engagement respectively,while the so called“upstream”engagement advocated by RRI need both of them.
卢阳旭, 赵延东. 反思性与公众参与科学——对科研人员的实证研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(2): 148-155.
Lu Yangxu, Zhao Yandong. Reflexivity and Public Engagement:An Empirical Study on the Scientists' Attitude. , 2020(2): 148-155.
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