Thinking on the Operation Mode and Practice of China's Green Technology Bank
Zhao Shufang1,2, Li Xiyi3
1.Joint Postdoctoral Programme, College of Economic and Social Devleopment in Nankai Univerisy and Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development, Beijing 100038, China; 2.Inner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics, Hohhot 010080, China; 3.Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development, Beijing 100038, China
Abstract:The Green Technology Bank is a specialized institution set up by the Chinese government to promote the transfer and transformation of green technology in order to implement the United Nations The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.In this paper,the field research and theoretical analysis methods are used to study the operation mode of “Green Technology Bank”through field research and theoretical analysis.The Green Technology Bank has made progress in building green technology information platform,green technology conversion platform and green technology financial platform.However,there are still some problems in its development,such as unsmooth operation mechanism,lagging construction of green technology bank,unclear standards of green technology and lack of talents.By drawing on the patent operation model of companies such as Gao Zhi Invention and the practical experience of UK Green Investment Bank,combined with the problems existing in the development of green technology bank,the paper puts forward policy suggestions to accelerate the development of green technology bank,such as strengthening top-level design,increasing project sources,speeding up the establishment of green technology standards,cultivating and introduce interdisciplinary talents.
赵淑芳, 李希义. 绿色技术银行的运营模式及实践思考[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(2): 156-164.
Zhao Shufang, Li Xiyi. Thinking on the Operation Mode and Practice of China's Green Technology Bank. , 2020(2): 156-164.
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