Can Technology Finance Improve the Industrialization Performance of Innovation Results through the Innovation Chain
Wang Bin1, Tan Qingmei2, Wang Zhihua1
1. School of Business,Jiangsu University of Technology,Changzhou 213001,China; 2. School of Economic and Management,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Aerospace,Nanjing 211106,China
Abstract:From the perspective of innovation chain,the effect of financial subsidies on the industrialization of innovation results was discussed.Taking Jiangsu Province as an example,it is found that technology financial subsidies have a positive effect on the industrialization performance of innovation results.In the patent application process,technology financial subsidies play a positive regulatory effect;In the patent maintenance process,patent infringement disputes have a negative effect on the industrialization of innovation results and the role of financial subsidies;In the transformation process,the financial subsidies have a significant positive regulating effect on the school-enterprise cooperation,R&D-enterprise cooperation,and industry-university-research-funding cooperation.In addition,in the impact of the transformation capacity of different scales enterprises on innovation industrialization,the effect of subsidies for medium-sized enterprises is relatively good,while the effects of large and small enterprises are not good.With the deepening of patent infringement disputes,the role of subsidies on different scales enterprises has been divided,large and medium-sized enterprises have been less affected,while small enterprises have suffered.
王斌, 谭清美, 王志华. 科技财政能否透过创新链提升创新成果产业化绩效[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(6): 15-25.
Wang Bin, Tan Qingmei, Wang Zhihua. Can Technology Finance Improve the Industrialization Performance of Innovation Results through the Innovation Chain. , 2020(6): 15-25.
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