Abstract:From the perspective of entrepreneurial quantity and quality, this paper constructs an evaluation index system including establishment performance, growth performance and employment performance, and uses a PCA-TOPSIS model to measure the provincial entrepreneurial performance from 2008 to 2016.Then it analyzes the measurement results from the perspective of time series change and spatial difference.The results show that most of the provincial entrepreneurial performance is fluctuating upward in the period of study, the eastern provinces are more stable in the ranking, the regional entrepreneurial performance gap in the four economic regions is obvious, which shows typical economic geographical features of “The East, the Central and the West are decreasing in turn, and the Northeast is interspersed with them”.This results provide an objective basis for the formulation of entrepreneurship policy measures in regions and the coordinated development of regional entrepreneurship.
陈景信. 中国创业绩效的时空演变——基于PCA-TOPSIS模型和区域的视角[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(8): 110-118.
Chen Jingxin. Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Entrepreneurial Performance in China:from the Perspectives of PCA-TOPSIS Model and Region. , 2020(8): 110-118.
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