Abstract:Since the Sino-US trade war, the U.S.government has set up a series of technical barriers by strengthening export controls.In this environment, based on the technical barriers analysis, using patent comparative analysis, Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF)and content analysis method, the paper finds out the inferior technology of China's aerospace industry.Combined with the US commerce control list, the paper further excavates the core technical direction of suppressing the development of China's aerospace industry which urgently need to break through technical barriers from the perspective of micro-level competitive intelligence, and tries to provide a new perspective and method for the industrial core technology foresight.
张秀妮, 辛一, 任蔷. 技术壁垒环境下产业核心技术预见方法研究——以航空航天产业为例[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(8): 15-23.
Zhang Xiuni, Xin Yi, Ren Qiang. Research on Foresighting Method of Industrial Core Technologies in the Environment of Technical Barriers ——Taking the Aerospace Industry as an Example. , 2020(8): 15-23.
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