Research on the Evolution Labelling Regulation strategies of Genetically Modified Agricultural Products in China and US from the Perspective of the Game of Great Power Country
Yu Wenling1, An Tongliang1, Hu Xiaoli2
1. School of Economics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093; 2. School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026)
Abstract:The leading countries of genetically modified (GM)technology take GM food as strategic products relying on the life patent weapon, gradually replacing traditional agricultural grain products, and rebuilding the “new global agricultural order”.Taking soybean as an example, this paper builds a game model between leading and catching countries, and uses differential labeling regulation as the game strategy of the two countries.The number of heterogeneous consumers is the benefit of both sides of the game.The changes in the regulation of GM labeling between China and the United States are studied.The study finds that both countries have implemented self-interested labeling regulation strategies, but China's mandatory labeling regulations have not worked.China should refine the GM product style and content labeling regulations, formulate reasonable subsidies and trade policies, reduce dependence on imported soybeans, and avoid becoming the next “Brazil, Argentina:countries hijacked by soybeans”.
于文领, 安同良, 胡小丽. 大国博弈视角下中美转基因农产品标识规制策略演化研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(8): 168-176.
Yu Wenling, An Tongliang, Hu Xiaoli. Research on the Evolution Labelling Regulation strategies of Genetically Modified Agricultural Products in China and US from the Perspective of the Game of Great Power Country. , 2020(8): 168-176.
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