Empirical Research on the Influence of Dynamic Capability on Enterprise New Product Development Performance ——The Mediating Role of Ambidextrous Innovation
Lyu Tu, Lin Huan, Chen Hao
School of Business, Qingdao University, Qingdao 266071, China
Abstract:As an important profit growth point of enterprises, new product development has increasingly become the focus of innovation management academia and practice.Following the ability-behavior-performance logic and from the perspective of dynamic capability, this study integrated the mediator role of ambidextrous innovation to examine the relationship between dynamic capability and new product development performance.Using survey data from 281 sample in Chinese enterprises, it empirically tested a series of hypotheses.The results suggest that:①The three dimensions of dynamic capability have positively effects on the exploratory innovation.Opportunity sensing capability has no significant effect on the exploitative innovation.②Both exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation have a positive relationship with new product development performance, and the balance between them has more significant effect on new product development performance.③Ambidextrous innovation is a partial mediator in the relationship between opportunity utilization capability, integration reconstruction capability and new product development performance, and a full mediator in the relationship between opportunity sensing capability and new product development performance.
吕途, 林欢, 陈昊. 动态能力对企业新产品开发绩效的影响——双元创新的中介作用[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2020(8): 67-75.
Lyu Tu, Lin Huan, Chen Hao. Empirical Research on the Influence of Dynamic Capability on Enterprise New Product Development Performance ——The Mediating Role of Ambidextrous Innovation. , 2020(8): 67-75.
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