Abstract:Based on the literature on entrepreneurial failure from Web of Science and CNKI databases,this paper uses visualization software citeSpace to draw the research status,hot topics and evolution path of international and domestic entrepreneurship failure research.The results show as follows.There are similar hot topics including“failure attribution,failure learning,subsequent entrepreneurship”between international and domestic research.However,international research focuses on“failure recovery,subsequent entrepreneurial performance”while domestic emphasises on“scientific and technological innovation failure,university students' entrepreneurship failure,subsequent entrepreneurial intention”.International entrepreneurship failure research has evolved from the exploration period of“what is entrepreneurship failure”,to the evelopment period of“why does entrepreneurship fail in”and the deepening period of“entrepreneurship failure management”.Learning from entrepreneurship failure is becoming the research mainstream which is the development period of the research in China.Therefore,it is suggested to create a research framework of entrepreneurial failure in accordance with the Chinese context in order to promote several key transitions in the field.Namely,the transition from researching with binary attribution to multidimensional and balanced attribution,from separately researching the failure learning methods and material to researching the interaction between them,from researching single variable mainly to multi-variable failure repair mechanism among learning,emotional recovery and environmental factors,from researching the subsequent entrepreneurship intention to the subsequent entrepreneurship performance.
易高峰. 创业失败研究的热点领域、演化路径与启示[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(1): 156-165.
Yi Gaofeng. Study on Hot Topics,Evolution Path and Enlightenment of Entrepreneurship Failure. , 2021(1): 156-165.
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