Evolution of Alliance Relationship,Network Structure Hole and Firm's Cooperative Innovation Performance
Cai Youhua1, Fu Lingfei1, Liang Juan2
School of Economics and Management,Fuzhou University,Fuzhou 350108,China; School of Business Administration,Fujian Jiangxia University,Fuzhou 350108,China
Abstract:Building a technological innovation alliance is an important measure for firms to cope with the uncertainty and complexity of innovation.Starting from the three paths of alliance relationship evolution,taking the position of the structural hole of the technological innovation network as an intermediary variable,we use empirical analysis method to explore the relationship among alliance relationship evolution,network structural hole and firm's cooperative innovation performance.The results show that the stability of alliance relationship and relationship expansion are positively promoting firm's cooperative innovation performance.The fracture of alliance relationship has an inverted U-shaped impact on firm's cooperative innovation performance.The stability of alliance relationship and relationship expansion have positive impact on structural holes in the technological innovation network.The fracture of the alliance relationship has an inverted U-shaped effect on firm's structural hole in the technological innovation network.The structural hole has a significant partial mediating effect between the evolution of the alliance relationship and firm's cooperative innovation performance.
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