From Concrete Reflection to Destructive Practice: the Evolution of Disruptive Innovation Theory
Huo Ying1,2
1. School of Economics and Management,Harbin University of Science and Technology,Harbin 150080,China; 2. School of Management,Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology,Harbin 150022,China
Abstract:The theory of disruptive innovation was inspired by Schumpeter's thought of“Creative Destruction”and was formed in Christensen's concrete reflection on the decline of large-scale incumbent enterprises.According to the order of user identification,market invasion,damage assessment,business model,management elements,organizational culture,coping strategies and value alliance,this paper systematically reviews the development of disruptive innovation theory and its practical application,with a view to providing theoretical reference or historical mirror for academic or industrial circles,and enrich the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics at the local level,and promote high-quality innovation and development.
霍影. 从具象反思到破坏实践:颠覆性创新理论演进脉络梳理[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(11): 12-20.
Huo Ying. From Concrete Reflection to Destructive Practice: the Evolution of Disruptive Innovation Theory. , 2021(11): 12-20.
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