The Evaluative Study on the High-Tech Industries Competitiveness of Yangtze River Delta
Dai Mingfeng1, Li Zonghe1, Wu Yilin2
1. Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Co-operation,Beijing 100710,China; 2. Center for Applied Statistics of Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,China
Abstract:Considering the impact of spatial distance on economic competitiveness,the paper uses the spatial dynamic shift share space model and the method of economic weight matrix to study the competitiveness of high-tech industry in the Yangtze River Delta region from 2014 to 2018.The results show that conclusions draw from spatial dynamic shift share model is consistent with the reality of high-tech industry,and the influence of spatial factors on regional industrial competitiveness is obvious.Competitiveness of high-tech industry in Jiangsu Province is the strongest,Zhejiang and Shanghai had little difference in competitiveness.
戴明锋, 李宗和, 吴翌琳. 长三角地区高新技术产业竞争力评价研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(11): 123-131.
Dai Mingfeng, Li Zonghe, Wu Yilin. The Evaluative Study on the High-Tech Industries Competitiveness of Yangtze River Delta. , 2021(11): 123-131.
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