Abstract:Based on the provincial panel data of China from 2006 to 2017,this paper constructs the DEA-Tobit model and quantile regression model to analyze the effect of the synergy between innovation system subjects on the green innovation efficiency and its conditional distribution.A panel vector autoregression (PVAR)model is also used to explore the dynamic impact and contribution of the synergy between the innovation system subjects on the green innovation efficiency.The results indicate that the synergetic relationship between the indirect subject and the direct subject has a negative impact on the green innovation efficiency,and the inhibitory effect becomes stronger with the increase of the quantile.The synergetic relationship between the direct subjects promotes the improvement of the green innovation efficiency,and the promotion effect becomes greater with the increase of the quantile.The impact of green innovation efficiency on the variables of the synergy between the innovation system subjects has obvious regional differences in response intensity,response speed,and cumulative effect,but it appears to be a convergence trend in all regions.After excluding their own influences,the national,central and western government funding,and the industry-university-research cooperation in the eastern region have a greater contribution to the green innovation efficiency than other synergistic variables.Finally,from the perspective of collaborative innovation.
吕岩威, 刘洋, 杨菲. 创新系统主体间协同关系对绿色创新效率影响的实证分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(11): 132-141.
Lyu Yanwei, Liu Yang, Yang Fei. Empirical Analysis on the Effect of Synergetic Relationship Between Innovation System Subjects on the Green Innovation Efficiency. , 2021(11): 132-141.
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