The Empirical Research on Input-Output Performance Evaluation of Nanjing's New Types of R&D Institutions ——Based on the Data of Hundreds of New Types of R&D Institutions in Nanjing
Zhou Zhi1, Xiong Zhechao2, Dong Weiliang3, Wang Jining2
1. National Science Park,Nanjing Tech University; 2. School of Economics and Management,Nanjing Tech University,Nanjing 211816,China; 3. College of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Engineering,Nanjing Tech University,Nanjing 211816,China
Abstract:Based on the construction process of Nanjing's new R&D institutions,this paper constructs a performance evaluation system for new R&D institutions from the perspective of input and output,and conducts empirical research by comprehensively using Delphi method,network analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy evaluation method.It is found that indicators such as the talent introduction mechanism,the soundness of the project management system,the number of transformations of scientific and technological achievements,the number of intellectual property applications and authorizations have a greater impact on the performance evaluation of new R&D institutions.Several countermeasures for improving the performance evaluation of new R&D institutions have been proposed to provide an important theoretical basis and practical reference for guiding and regulating the healthy development of new-type R&D institutions in the region.
周治, 熊哲超, 董维亮, 王冀宁. 南京新型研发机构投入产出绩效评价实证研究——基于南京市几百家新型研发机构的数据[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(11): 31-39.
Zhou Zhi, Xiong Zhechao, Dong Weiliang, Wang Jining. The Empirical Research on Input-Output Performance Evaluation of Nanjing's New Types of R&D Institutions ——Based on the Data of Hundreds of New Types of R&D Institutions in Nanjing. , 2021(11): 31-39.
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