The Distribution and Flow of Top Research Talents in China——Take the Yangtze River Scholars in China for Example
Liu Ying1,2, Xue Xinlong1, Su Lifeng1
1. Academy of China Open Economy Studies,University of International Business and Economy,Beijing 100029,China; 2. Department of Scientific Research Administration,University of International Business and Economy,Beijing 100029,China
Abstract:Top research talents are the key group to promote the progress of national science and technology,and their distribution and flow have an important impact on regional development.Based on the multidimensional comparative analysis of the distribution and flow characteristics of the Yangtze River Scholars in China,it was found that the top research talents presented a “center-periphery”distribution,which was mainly formed before the top titles obtained.The flow preferences of the top research talents showed a phased feature.The preference of flowing to the periphery was increased after researchers obtained the top titles,whereas the total number was very limited.The talents dilemma in the Midwest and Northeast in China is not only reflected in the shortage of top research talents,but also in the small scale of R&D personnel,as well as the relatively closed academic labor market.These findings provide positive reference for understanding the efficiency of the allocation of top research talents in China,implementing a differentiated talent system,as well as promoting the existing talent management policies.
柳瑛, 薛新龙, 苏丽锋. 中国高端人才布局与流动特征研究——以长江学者特聘教授为例[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(2): 100-108.
Liu Ying, Xue Xinlong, Su Lifeng. The Distribution and Flow of Top Research Talents in China——Take the Yangtze River Scholars in China for Example. , 2021(2): 100-108.
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