The Impact of Chinese Overseas Patent Layout on Intellectual Property Rights Exporting——An Analysis Based on Market Non-Congestion
Jiang Han1, Dai Ming2
1. School of Economics and Management,Hubei University of Technology,Wuhan 430068,China; 2. School of Economics,Jinan University,Guangzhou 510632,China
Abstract:There is a huge gap in intellectual property rights (IPR)exporting between China and America.Besides,the simultaneous growth in Chinese overseas patents and IPR exporting is worthy of discussing.Under such a background,it is meaningful to study the impact of Chinese overseas patent layout on IPR exporting.Existing research found that their relationship is uncertain in information asymmetry environment.Moreover,the theory of market design argued that the market non-congestion is an important influencing factor of knowledge trading,and the promoting of networking and innovation capability in importing country (region)can enhance its market non-congestion.Based on these studies,this paper uses mathematical model to analyze the relationship between overseas patent layout and IPR exporting,and finds that networking and innovation capability in importing country (region)produces a moderating effect through market non-congestion.In addition,the empirical analysis applying data of Chinese overseas patent and IPR exporting shows that the increasing of Chinese overseas patent improves IPR exporting,and the higher level of networking and the stronger innovation capability,the effect is greater.It means that the networking and innovation capability in importing country (region)probably has a positive effect on market non-congestion,and then Chinese patent can realize more exporting values.Accordingly,it is necessary to add the amount of overseas patent and optimize its layout for China.
姜寒, 代明. 中国海外专利布局对知识产权使用费出口的影响——基于市场流畅性的分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(2): 141-151.
Jiang Han, Dai Ming. The Impact of Chinese Overseas Patent Layout on Intellectual Property Rights Exporting——An Analysis Based on Market Non-Congestion. , 2021(2): 141-151.
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