Abstract:In this paper,a meta-synthesis of literature was used to systematically integrate the existing research results.By constructing the inclusion screening rules,44 original literatures including quantitative,qualitative and mixed empirical studies were obtained,compared and analyzed.Most studies have shown that older people have a positive attitude towards the use of geriatric well-being technologies,but the actual use and acceptance rates are not satisfied.Our synthesis shows that perceived usefulness,perceived ease of use,subjective norms,perceived safety and other factors have significant impacts on the technology acceptance of the elderly.And then,based on these critical determinants,a series of nudge policy path including partner learning,information disclosure and procedure simplification are developed in this study,which aims to provide a nudge idea for public sectors to optimize smart elderly care policies and for technology enterprises to develop the age-centered service or products.
马琪, 陈浩鑫. 智慧养老技术接受与政策助推路径初探——基于2005—2020年国内外文献的系统性整合分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(4): 161-170.
Ma Qi, Chen Haoxin. Nudge Approaches of Smart Elderly Care in China from the Perspective of Technology Acceptance——A Systematic Literature Synthesis from 2005 to 2020. , 2021(4): 161-170.
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