Study on the Spatial-Temporal Differences and Influencing Factors of Green Innovation Efficiency in High-Tech Industry
Li Jian1,2, Li Ningning1, Yuan Qingmin1
1. School of Management/Research Center of Circular Economy and Enterprise Sustainable Development,Tianjin University of Technology,Tianjin 300384,China; 2. College of Management and Economics,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China
Abstract:Using the Super-SBM model considering undesired output,the green innovation efficiency of high-tech industry in 30 provinces in China from 2009 to 2018 is measured.Based on the measurement results,the spatial-temporal differences characteristics are analyzed,and the influencing factors of green innovation efficiency are tested by GMM dynamic panel model.The results are as follows.From the perspective of time sequence evolution,the green innovation efficiency of regional high-tech industries shows a time-evolution trend from “large difference in low efficiency”to “small difference in high efficiency”,and the proportion of provinces with “high efficiency”gradually increases.From the perspective of spatial differences,the spatial differences features of “East-Central-West”descending in a stepped manner and “South is high and North is low”.The T-type green innovation pattern is basically formed.The “inefficient”provinces mainly come from the central and western regions.The R&D intensity,industrial scale and educational level of workers are beneficial to the promotion of green innovation efficiency.Industrial structure has a positive effect on efficiency but the effect is not outstanding.In addition,green innovation efficiency is correlated with government support and market competition negatively.
李健, 李宁宁, 苑清敏. 高新技术产业绿色创新效率时空分异及影响因素研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(4): 92-101.
Li Jian, Li Ningning, Yuan Qingmin. Study on the Spatial-Temporal Differences and Influencing Factors of Green Innovation Efficiency in High-Tech Industry. , 2021(4): 92-101.
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