The Logic and Trend of the Development of American Science and Technology Policy in the Period of Change——from Trump to Biden
Fan Chunliang1,2
1. Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China; 2. School of Public Policy and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Abstract:Since the Trump administration in 2017, the and technology policy has made some significant changes, which have exerted a great impact on the United States and countries around the world.It is of great significance to understand the logic of the development of American science and technology policy and its future direction.Based on the analysis of the meaning and influence of science and technology policy in the United States, this paper makes an in-depth discussion of the major progress of the Trump administration's science and technology policy in the past four years, summarizes the key points of the Biden administration's science and technology policy, analyzes the internal and external factors of the development of the and technology policy, and puts forward some future trends of American science and technology policy and suggestions for China.
樊春良. 变动时期美国科技政策发展的逻辑和走向——从特朗普到拜登[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(5): 1-13.
Fan Chunliang. The Logic and Trend of the Development of American Science and Technology Policy in the Period of Change——from Trump to Biden. , 2021(5): 1-13.
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