Abstract:This article takes the post-epidemic demand for the Intelligent & Connected Vehicles(ICV) industry as a starting point, selects 20474 patents in the Derwent database related to ICV technology, and analyzes the trend of patent applications and national/institutional applications.On this basis, this article researches technology hotspots and patentee cooperation from the perspective of social networks, and proposes the technology research and development prospects of China's ICV companies based on the characteristics of domestic enterprise technology development and cooperation status.The results show that the research of ICV technology has entered a period of steady growth, and formed three core technology and industrial development zones in North America, Europe and East Asia.The research hotspots include perception, decision-making, communication, and control systems upstream of the industrial chain.Among them, the research of control technology and its algorithm is at the relatively core position.From the perspective of cooperative network, although the technical layout of various research subjects has different emphasis, the patent cooperation relationship is weak.In the future, Chinese enterprises still need to seize the opportunity of the epidemic to tackle cutting-edge hot technologies, strengthen the inter-enterprise cooperation network and accelerate the construction of test sites.
刘颖琦, 周菲, 席锐. 后疫情时期中国智能网联汽车产业技术研究与合作网络:国际专利视角[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(5): 32-45.
Liu Yingqi, Zhou Fei, Xi Rui. Technology Research and Cooperative Network of China ICV Industry in the Post-Epidemic Era:the Perspective of International Patent. , 2021(5): 32-45.
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