Abstract:Based on the survey data of 2139 returning home start-ups in 2019,this paper studies the impact of “Internet+”on the business performance of returning home start-ups.The results are as follows.On the whole online procurement,online sales,online recruitment and the quality of online training has a significantly positive impact on the business performance of returning home start-ups.From the perspective of the development level of start-ups,online sales can significantly improve the business performance of survival start-ups,and online recruitment can significantly improve the business performance of development and value start-ups.From the perspective of the region where the start-ups are located,online recruitment and the quality of online training has a significantly positive impact on the business performance of the returning home start-ups in central and western China.From the perspective of the industry in which the start-ups are located,online recruitment can significantly improve the business performance of the returning home start-ups in the primary,secondary and tertiary industries,and online procurement can significantly improve the business performance of the start-ups in the secondary industry.The mechanism analysis shows that the driving force of “Internet +”to improve the business performance of returning home start-ups from such important factors as the entrepreneurs' human capital level,innovation spirit,the completeness of network infrastructure construction,and emergencies.It is suggested that local governments strengthen and perfect the training of returning home start-ups,improve the quality of network training,and enhance the human capital level of entrepreneurs.We should encourage enterprises to actively use Internet technologies,and promote the integrated development of online and offline of returning home start-ups.
王轶, 王香媚, 冯科. “互联网+”对返乡创业企业经营业绩的影响——基于全国返乡创业企业的调查数据[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(7): 137-147.
Wang Yi, Wang Xiangmei, Feng Ke. Impact of “Internet+”on Business Performance of Returning Home Start-ups Based on the National Survey Data of Returning Home Start-ups. , 2021(7): 137-147.
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