Abstract:Patent acts as the main carrier for technology development.The patent collaboration between China and “the Belt and Road Initiatives”countries will benefit to technology innovation of all parties.Therefore,it is important to explore the evolution and technological trend of patent collaboration in sake of identifying potential cooperation opportunities between China and “the Belt and Road Initiatives”countries.Firstly,on the basis of cooperation patent data in PATENTSCOPE,this study constructed the evolution framework of technology cooperation among “the Belt and Road Initiatives”countries by using co-occurrence network analysis.Secondly,the main cooperation countries,technology fields and applicants between China and “the Belt and Road Initiatives”countries were identified by patent analysis.Thirdly,the patent collaborative technology was micro-dynamically analyzed via extracting key information from patent titles.The results indicated that at the macro level the patent collaborations between China and “the Belt and Road Initiatives”countries grew smoothly from 2013 to 2018,but the patent collaboration concentrates among a few countries;At the meso level the IPC technology fields of patent collaboration focused on H04,A61,etc.,and the main partners are Korea,Singapore and so on.In addition,it can be found that the applicants of cooperation patents mainly come from Huawei but rarely from other Chinese domestic enterprises.At the micro level the primary field of technology collaboration includes wireless communication network,coding and chemical compound fabrication,etc.,and the development trend of different technologies appear to be differentiative or integrative.
高珺, 余翔. 中国与“一带一路”国家专利合作特征与技术态势研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(7): 169-178.
Gao Jun, Yu Xiang. Characteristics of Patent Cooperation and Technology Trend Between China and “the Belt and Road Initiatives”Countries. , 2021(7): 169-178.
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