Can Servitization of Manufacturing Promote the Industrial Structure Upgrading Mediating Effect Analysis Based on Technology Innovation and Service Demand
Xia Qiu
School of International Economics and Trade,Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics,Nanchang 330013,China
Abstract:Using the WIOD data of 2000—2014,the paper analyzes the effect of servitization on the industrial structure upgrading based on the mediation effect model.The results are as follows.①Servitization can promote the industrial structure upgrading,technological innovation and service consumption demand are the intermediary channels.②Productive servitization promotes the industrial structure upgrading through technological innovation and service demand effect,but living servitization can only generate service demand effect,and cannot drive technology innovation.③Seven types of productive servitization have heterogeneity in the degree of influence and the intensity of mediating effect on industrial structure upgrading.④Servitization in developed countries and regions promotes the industrial structure upgrading through technological innovation and service demand,but servitization in developing countries and regions does not generate technological innovation effect.⑤Servitization can affect the industrial structure upgrading through technological innovation and service demand before the financial crisis,but after the financial crisis,technological innovation effect was no longer significant.
夏秋. 制造业服务化能否促进产业结构升级——基于技术创新和服务需求的中介效应分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(7): 66-75.
Xia Qiu. Can Servitization of Manufacturing Promote the Industrial Structure Upgrading Mediating Effect Analysis Based on Technology Innovation and Service Demand. , 2021(7): 66-75.
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