Abstract:Based on global industrial robot trade data from 1998 to 2017,this paper applies the social network analysis method to reveal the network structure characteristics and influencing mechanism of industrial robot trade network.The results are as follows.The world industrial robot trade relationship shows a trend of ‘rapid growth in the early stage and steady growth in the later stage’.The trade relationship is increasingly close,and the accessibility and trade efficiency of intra-regional trade are constantly improving.Germany and Japan are always at the center of the world's industrial robot trade network.China,South Korea and the Netherlands are the most prominent industrial robot trade catch-up countries;especially China has gradually become an important “bridge”and “hub”of industrial robot trade.Technological distance is the main factor affecting the evolution of industrial robot trade network.The development distance of manufacturing industry,economic distance,common language and culture can promote the development of industrial robot trade.Population size difference has no significant impact on industrial robot trade.Moreover,the influence of various factors on different types of industrial robot trade network is heterogeneous.
李丫丫, 罗建强. 工业机器人贸易网络结构及其影响机制研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(7): 76-85.
Li Yaya, Luo Jianqiang. The Structural Characteristics and Influencing Mechanism of Global Industrial Robot Trade Network. , 2021(7): 76-85.
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