Abstract:This paper uses the multi-period difference-in-difference model to evaluate the impact and heterogeneity of pilot free trade zones on government and enterprise R&D investment in high-tech industries at first,then examine the pathways through which the pilot free trade zone influences the government's R&D investment in high-tech industries.The results are as follows.First,the pilot free trade zone has significantly boosted government's R&D investment in high-tech industries,but failed to stimulate enterprises' R&D investment in high-tech industries effectively.Second,the promotion effect of pilot free trade zones on government R&D investment in high-tech industries only exists in the eastern region,but not in the central and western regions.Third,the pilot free trade zone has significantly promoted the transfer of government's R&D investment from non-pilot free trade zone provinces to pilot free trade zone provinces,and failed to promote the transfer of government's R&D investment from non-high-tech industries to high-tech industries.Fourth,the pilot free trade zone has significantly promoted government's R&D investment in eastern regions from non-pilot free trade zone provinces to pilot free trade zone provinces,but this effect is not obvious in central and western regions.
曹翔, 李慎婷, 郭立萍. 自贸试验区与高技术产业研发投入——基于政府和企业投入的分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(7): 97-106.
Cao Xiang, Li Shenting, Guo Liping. Effect of Pilot Free Trade Zones on R&D Investment in High-Tech Industry Based on Government and Enterprise Investment. , 2021(7): 97-106.
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