Abstract:It is important for scholars and research administrators to grasp the direction of research and allocate research funds effectively,which can identify and anticipate research hotspots and their trends in management science.In this study,the literature published in important management science journals designated by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)in recent 20 years was used as the analysis data source,and the “Sleeping Beauty”literature identification method in citation analysis was used for keyword semantic clustering to identify the research topic.Based on the characteristics of theme dormancy and hotness,the theme class is divided into four categories:sleeping beauty feature hotspots,mature hotspots,potential hotspots and others.The beauty coefficient was used to identify the emergence points of sleeping beauty themes,combined hotspot emergence points to predict the research hotness of the theme categories,and the cumulative growth curve was used to verify its reasonableness.The results show that the four themes of innovation capability,relationship network,behavioral intention and resources and environmental protection belong to the sleeping beauty hot topics.Entrepreneurial talent,international trade,industrial automobiles and behavioral psychology are potential hot topics,which are late to emerge,have grown faster in recent years and are likely to become emerging hot topics.
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