Yue Xiaoxu1, Su Jun1, Philip Shapira2,3, Xie Qijun1
1. School of Public Policy and Management,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China; 2. Alliance Manchester Business School,University of Manchester,Manchester M13 9PL,UK; 3. School of Public Policy,Georgia Institute of Technology,Atlanta GA 30332-0345,USA
Abstract:This paper develops an approach to map knowledge innovation ecosystems.As an empirical test case,the paper identifies and maps the presence of regionalized knowledge ecosystems in the artificial intelligence (AI)sector in China.The paper puts forward an analytical framework to study the knowledge innovation ecosystems in emerging technologies,and then investigates China's AI knowledge innovation ecosystems using scientometric and social network analysis methods.The paper analyzes the leading participants in the process of AI knowledge innovation in China,the regional distribution of AI knowledge innovation,and core regional knowledge innovation clusters and their formation.The results show that the broad emergence of China's AI knowledge innovation clusters is influenced by the underlying distribution of scientific and technological resources.Geographical proximity is only apparent within the same administrative regions.Regional coordinated development strategies and local innovation development policies could help regions overcome administrative boundaries,to achieve greater regional collaboration in AI knowledge innovation.
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