Abstract:The patent linkage system was introduced into the China-US Economic and Trade Agreement signed in 2020.However,based on the observation of institutional transplantation in many countries,the article finds that this early dispute resolution mechanism,which can link generics’ marketing approval and branded drugs’ patent protection,has the effect of delaying the market entry of generics.Nevertheless,sufficient and timely generics competition can stabilize drug prices,ensure drug availability and produce huge consumer surplus.As a country that relies heavily on generics,China must be alert to the competitive risks in patent linkage.China should learn from other countries’ anti-monopoly system transplantation practice,and achieve a balance between drug competition and innovation policies by supervising drug patents registration,canceling the automatic suspension of generic drug approval,adding damage compensation clauses,and rigorously inspecting anti-competitive settlement agreements.
孙瑜晨. 专利链接制度的竞争风险及法律因应研究—基于美、加、欧、印、澳、韩经验的比较[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2021(9): 163-172.
Sun Yuchen. Research on the Competitive Risk of Patent Linkage System and Legal Response —Comparison Based on the Case Study of the USA and Other Countries. , 2021(9): 163-172.
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