Abstract:In the era of big data,scientific research data sharing is crucial to the development of scientific and technological innovation and the efficient use of data resources.In the process of sharing data,researchers encounter data ethics dilemmas such as data privacy leakage and unclear data property rights,which restrict the sharing of scientific research data and make it difficult to fully utilize the scientific research value of data.The article believes that it is necessary to deal with the difficulties of data ethics in data sharing from aspects such as improving data legislation,strengthening scientific research ethics awareness,creating a good data sharing and academic environment,and achieving subject governance of data ethics dilemmas,legal governance and environmental governance in order to improve the level of scientific research data sharing and promote the development of scientific and technological innovation in China.
梁宇, 郑易平. 科研数据共享中的数据伦理问题研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(1): 22-27.
Liang Yu, Zheng Yiping. Research on Data Ethics in Scientific Research Data Sharing. , 2022(1): 22-27.
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