Abstract:University-local cooperative research institutes are important policy tools for universities to promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and for local governments to construct regional innovation ecosystems. However,under the context of the new economic normal,the traditional university-local cooperative research institutes have changed,extened and expaned by which it has evolved into a new paradigm.This study elaborates this new paradigm of cooperation based on the practice of Tsinghua's cooperation with local governments.It proposes the concept of composite innovation body,which is defined as an organization that serves innovation or contributes to the occurrence of innovation by linking multiple entities of different nature.The paper further analyzes its mechanism of integrating multiple functions from three levels of resources, institutions and culture by using the analytical perspective of organizational integration.It argues that the composite innovation body is a kind of organizational mechanism innovation adapted to China's local practices, which may provide useful insights for the construction of regional innovation system.
李秀坤, 肖广岭. 复合型创新体——清华大学与地方合作的新范式[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(1): 36-44.
Li Xiukun, Xiao Guangling. Compound Innovative Carrier—New Paradigm of Cooperation Between Tsinghua University and Local Governments. , 2022(1): 36-44.
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