Does Commercialization of GM Staple Food Crops Affect China's Economic Security ——The Revelation Based on Comparative Analysis of China,the U.S.and India
Li Wanjun, Bao Yuze, Li Yanjun
College of Economics and Management,Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070,China
Abstract:Based on the literature on the impact of commercialization of GM staple food crops on China's economic security,we used text analysis to extract the basic variables which may affect China's economic security due to implementing the commercialization of GM staple food crops, patent,enterprise strength,industrial dependence,auxiliary industries,international trade,pricing power,market demand,system guarantees and regulatory capabilities.We compared these variables with comparative advantage indexes and the factors of the source of competitive advantage in Poter's Diamonds Framework.We divided these variables into “incentive”factors and “guaranteed”factors.Then we make a comparative analysis in terms of these basic variables between China,the U.S.and India.We found that China is at a disadvantage compared with above two countries in many basic variables,especially in the “incentive”factors.Therefore,China has no incentive to promote the commercialization of GM staple food crops presently,and hastily implementing may bring some uncertainty to economic security.The main policy should be planning ahead and taking the path of independent R&D,and the comparative advantages and competitive advantages presented by the basic variables also vary from different crops.Therefore,we should use classification guidance to implement differentiated development.
李万君, 包玉泽, 李艳军. 转基因主粮作物商业化影响中国经济安全吗——基于对中美印比较分析的启示[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(11): 163-173.
Li Wanjun, Bao Yuze, Li Yanjun. Does Commercialization of GM Staple Food Crops Affect China's Economic Security ——The Revelation Based on Comparative Analysis of China,the U.S.and India. , 2022(11): 163-173.
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