Abstract:Based on the multi-level perspectives the paper constructs the evolution model of the artificial intelligence innovation ecosystem.According to the characteristics of the technology niche,market niche,social technology regimes,and social technology landscape,the system evolution is divided into the technology protection period,accumulation and exploration period and strategic development period.Taking Baidu,Alibaba and Tencent as the case study objects,the paper uses multi-case exploratory research methods to explore the evolution process and mechanism of the innovation ecosystem,and to test the scientific and applicability of the evolution model.The research results show that the artificial intelligence innovation ecosystem has gone through the technological protection period,the accumulation exploration period and the strategic development period.It has crossed the technological niche and market niche and entered the stage of large-scale application,and the new social technology paradigm with artificial intelligence as the core has accelerated form.The development strategy of core companies is decisive for the evolution of the innovation ecosystem.The positive migration of the socio-technical landscape plays an important role in promoting the evolution of the innovation ecosystem.The evolution of the innovation ecosystem requires close cooperation and mutual coordination among members of the system.
孙丽文, 李少帅. 基于多层次分析框架的人工智能创新生态系统演化研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(3): 62-71.
Sun Liwen, Li Shaoshuai. Research on Evolution of Artificial Intelligence Innovation Ecosystem Based on Multi-Level Analysis Framework. , 2022(3): 62-71.
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