The Co-Evolution of Intellectual Property Protection System of Seed Industry and Plant Breeding Innovation ——From the Perspective of Historical Review and Literature Review
Dong Yinguo1, Zhang Linchen1,2, Wang Yue1
1. School of Business,East China University of Science and Technology,Shanghai 200237,China; 2. School of Economics,Shandong University of Technology,Zibo 255000,China
Abstract:The historical development track shows that,with the progress of biological science and technology and the rise of private breeding research and development departments,the patent protection system and new plant variety protection system in the seed industry field have been continuously constructed and adjusted in a timely manner,and the framework system of protection scope and protection form between them has become more and more clear.Existing theoretical and empirical studies have confirmed the incentive effect of agricultural intellectual property protection system on R&D innovation of private breeding sector.However,the subsequent problems,such as the monopoly of germplasm and genetic resources,technical barriers,patent jungle,and anti-commons tragedy,also mean that more stringent intellectual property protection measures should be taken with caution.After the implementation of TRIPS Agreement,the merger and acquisition of multinational seed industry group of developed countries in Europe and America established their dominant and oligopoly position in the world seed industry R&D market,and deepened the differentiation of intellectual property strength between North and South seed industries.
董银果, 张琳琛, 王悦. 种业知识产权保护制度与植物育种创新的协同演化——基于历史回顾和文献综述视角[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(3): 91-100.
Dong Yinguo, Zhang Linchen, Wang Yue. The Co-Evolution of Intellectual Property Protection System of Seed Industry and Plant Breeding Innovation ——From the Perspective of Historical Review and Literature Review. , 2022(3): 91-100.
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