Abstract:The relationship between postdoctors and their supervisors is not a simple student-teacher relationship,but it has certain particularities and its own characteristics.After the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic,the support of the supervisors for postdoctoral fellows is particularly important.It also brings new opportunities and challenges to the training and attraction of high-end talents.Conducted by Nature on “Global Postdoc Survey”,data of 6,982 full-time postdoctoral fellows in universities and institutions were collated and utilized to make an international comparison of the global postdoctoral training and development in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.The influence and its heterogeneity among different countries are analysed by means of OLS,ordinal logistic regression and path analysis.The findings show that the support from supervisors decreases the postdoctors' depression and anxiety,while increasing the satisfaction of postdoctors' work and career prospect via the influence upon supervisors' trust and satisfaction.Their support is more likely to make greater impact upon those who are infected by the pandemic.Particularly,the data from China and America imply that suitable strategies require to be taken that supervisors would support postdoctor not only on the work but also mental health.Meanwhile,the supervision would be focused more upon the support rather than instructions and orders with proper measures and suggestions.Some implications have been made to improve the postdoctors' development.
刘霄 , 谢萍. 新冠肺炎疫情背景下全球博士后的合作导师支持与博士后发展状况[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(4): 120-127.
Liu Xiao, Xie Ping. Postdoctoral Supervisors and Postdoctors' Development in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. , 2022(4): 120-127.
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