Abstract:It's the key for born global firms in emerging economies,which aim to overcome dual disadvantages and access to entrepreneurial legitimacy,to identify international entrepreneurship opportunities.Entrepreneurs' prior industry experience has an impact on the identification of international entrepreneurship opportunities,however,there is a disagreement about the conclusion of this influence mechanism due to the lack of analysis on the attributes between experience and opportunity in extant research.Based on the theory of social cognition,this article takes Chinese Internet ventures focusing on global marketing as the samples of born global firms in emerging economics and collects data through questionnaire surveys to empirically analyze the relationship between entrepreneurs' prior industry experience and the identification of international entrepreneurship opportunities,and examine the moderating effect of entrepreneurs' cognitive styles on this relationship.The research finds that the more homogeneous experience entrepreneurs have in their previous industry,the more likely they are to identify imitation opportunities.And the more heterogeneous experience entrepreneurs have in their previous industries,the more likely they are to identify innovative opportunities.Innovative and adaptive cognitive styles have a differentiated regulation effect in the process.
颜志量 , 姚凯. 新兴经济体天生国际化企业的机会识别研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(4): 89-98.
Yan Zhiliang, Yao Kai. A Study on the Opportunity Identification of the Born Global Firms in Emerging Economies. , 2022(4): 89-98.
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