Abstract:High-level scientific and technological talents are the key strategic resources to realize regional innovation drive,and the distribution and flow of talents affect the degree of regional innovation and development to a certain extent.Based on the information of the relevant mobile nodes(place of birth,place of first education,final place of education,place of achievement)of the winners of the National Science and Technology Awards from 2000 to 2019,and the time for the introduction of the 2011 Chengyu Integrated Development Plan is the node,which summarizes the distribution status and flow of high-level scientific and technological talents in Chengyu area over two time periods.The study found that high-level scientific and technological talents in colleges and universities are the main force of high-level scientific and technological talents in the two-city economic circle of Chengyu area,and there is a relative lack of high-level scientific and technological talents in enterprises.After the promulgation of the Chengdu-Chongqing integrated development plan in 2011,high-level scientific and technological talents born in Chengyu area have a higher proportion of achivement in this area.On the whole,the flow of high-level scientific and technological talents in the Chengyu economic circle shows the characteristics of“conservative attraction”.High-level scientific and technological talents are still an important part.
吴茜. 成渝地区双城经济圈高层次科技人才分布及流动模式探析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(5): 119-125.
Wu Xi. Analysis of the Distribution and Flow Mode of High-Level Scientific and Technological Talents in the Two-City Economic Circle of Chengyu Area. , 2022(5): 119-125.
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