Abstract:Based on the resource-based view,this paper uses the sample of 286 crowdfunding firms to explore the mechanism and boundary conditions of backer involvement on new product development performance in the context of crowdfunding situation.Results show as follows.①Backer involvement in information source and co-development has positive effects on the new product development performance.②Resources acquisition plays an intermediary role between backer involvement and new product development performance.③Organizational flexibility not only positively regulates the relationship between resources acquisition and new product development performance,but also enhances the intermediary role of resources acquisition.The research conclusion further deepens the understanding of the value of investor,enriches the value of backer,enriches the theoretical research of the third party's participation in new product development,and provides some reference for the management practice of product crowdfunding.
庞惠伟, 刘文霞, 李斌, 董银. 融资也融智:众筹情境下支持者参与对新产品开发绩效的影响[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2022(5): 21-30.
Pang Huiwei, Liu Wenxia, Li Bin, Dong Yin. Financial and Wisdom:Research on the Influnce of Backer Involvement on New Product Development Performance in the Context of Crowdfunding Situation. , 2022(5): 21-30.
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