Abstract:In the context of data elementization,accelerating the diffusion of data in emerging industries is an important way to promote the creation and realization of data value.Based on the understanding of the process and characteristics of data diffusion in emerging industries,this paper divides it into three stages,namely,original diffusion,enabling diffusion and iterative upgrade diffusion,and identifies the key factors affecting the data diffusion effect in different stages.Then,a SEIRI epidemic model of data diffusion is constructed to reveal the data diffusion mechanism of emerging industries,and the blockchain industry is used as an empirical case to verify the mechanism.The findings show that data diffusion in emerging industries experiences data open access,processing and utilization,elimination and reshaping,and presents the stage characteristics of data value from cognitive consensus,to symbiosis creation,and finally to iterative win-win.Among them,the data cognitive ability of enterprise data and the scale of industrial network affect the formation and diffusion range of data consensus in the original diffusion stage.The data processing ability of enterprise and policy-driven enable the establishment of mutually beneficial symbiosis between enterprises in the enabling diffusion stage,and data quality and the ability of enterprise data reshaping promote the realization of industrial data interaction win-win in the iterative upgrade stage.The research is of great significance to deconstruct the process of data value,improve data value,promote data diffusion among enterprises and accelerate the digital development of emerging industries.
许丹丹, 王宏起, 李晓莉, 李莹莹. 基于SEIRI模型的新兴产业数据扩散机理研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2023(1): 69-81.
Xu Dandan, Wang Hongqi, Li Xiaoli, Li Yingying. Research on Data Diffusion Mechanism of Emerging Industries Based on SEIRI Model. , 2023(1): 69-81.
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