Does Overseas Experience Mean Higher Academic Performance?——Based on PIs of the National Natural Science Foundation of China
Cai Xiaojing1, Lyu Xiaozan2, Zhou Ping3
1. Research Center for Government Governance and Public Policy,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 25127,China; 2. School of Law,Hangzhou City University,Hangzhou 310001,China; 3. School of Public Administration,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China
Abstract:This paper analyzes the relationship between researchers' overseas experience and the academic output,citation impact,and the degree of international cooperation.A total of 923 doctoral applicants funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China during 2011—2014 were selected,and regression analysis and other methods were used.Results reveal that overseas experience exerts a notable influence on citation impact and international cooperation,although it does not significantly impact on academic output in terms of publication volume.Researchers holding overseas doctoral degrees exhibit a greater long-term academic influence and engage in more extensive international cooperation compared to their counterparts with local doctoral degrees.Notably,the degree of international cooperation among those with overseas degrees tends to converge with that of researchers holding local doctoral degrees over time,reflecting a process of gradual “localization”.Among individuals with local doctoral degrees,those with prior overseas work experience demonstrate a higher level of academic influence than those with only overseas exchange experience.Additionally,their degree of international cooperation significantly surpasses that of their local doctoral graduates.However,individuals with solely overseas communication experience do not exhibit significant difference in terms of publication volume,academic influence,or degree of international cooperation when compared to those without any overseas experience.The findings provide a basis for optimizing the development and evaluation system for scientific and technological talents.
蔡小静, 吕晓赞, 周萍. 海外经历是否意味着更高的学术表现——以国家自然科学基金项目主持人为例[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2023(11): 129-138.
Cai Xiaojing, Lyu Xiaozan, Zhou Ping. Does Overseas Experience Mean Higher Academic Performance?——Based on PIs of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. , 2023(11): 129-138.
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