Does the Identity as a Developed Country Derive from Its Strong Strength in Science and Technology
Zhang Chengxin1,2
1. Center for Studies of Ethnic Groups in Northwest China,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China; 2. School of Politics and International Relations,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China
Abstract:Among existing studies,it's widely believed that developed countries own strong strength in science and technology.However,these studies either overlook the particularities of specific developed countries or have insufficient understanding on the scientific and technological strength.This article assumes that there's no necessary connection between the identity as a developed country and strong scientific and technological strength,in which a country's frequency of being recognized as a developed country by global international organizations is regarded as the explained variable,and its scientific and technological strength is regarded as the explanatory variable.Arithmetic on scientific and technological strength is improved according to the basic concepts of science and technology and variable data of 150 sovereign states from 2010 to 2021 were finally collected for linear regression analysis.Analysis results demonstrate that no matter under the circumstances of single variable regression,introduction of control variables and control on country fixed effect,year fixed effect or two-way fixed effect,scientific and technological strength has no significant effect on the frequency of being recognized as a developed country,which reflects the limitation of developed/developing country dichotomy as a kind of country classification approach or objective evaluation scale.
张诚信. 发达国家身份是否产生于强大的科技实力[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2023(12): 149-158.
Zhang Chengxin. Does the Identity as a Developed Country Derive from Its Strong Strength in Science and Technology. , 2023(12): 149-158.
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