The Growth of Internet Platform Companies: Classification and Characteristics
Zhou Nan1, Xu Xin2, Cai Mengyu3
1. School of Economics & Management,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China; 2. School of Business,Shanxi Datong University,Datong 037009,China; 3. School of Business,Nankai University,Tianjin 300071,China
Abstract:The fast growth of Internet platform economies not only spurs fast economic growth,but also brings problems.It is necessary for the government to monitor and guide the growth of internet platform companies.Therefore,how Internet platform companies choose appropriate growth paths to achieve sustained profitable growth is an important question for both scholars and practitioners.By investigating the growth history of 151 domestic and foreign Internet platform companies,this study identifies three different growth paths and divides them into eight sub-categories.This study compares the growth paths of three types of Internet platform companies,selects specific cases and summarizes their characteristics.The findings provide evidence for the government to design relevant policies and for companies to choose appropriate growth strategies,and also provide basis for further study of the growth of platform companies.
周楠, 许昕, 蔡梦雨. 互联网平台企业的成长路径:分类与特点[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2023(12): 84-95.
Zhou Nan, Xu Xin, Cai Mengyu. The Growth of Internet Platform Companies: Classification and Characteristics. , 2023(12): 84-95.
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