Good Governance of Evidence:Principle Construction and Evidence-Based Logic for the Ethical Governance of Artificial Intelligence in the UK Public Sector
Geng Xu, Huang Miaoxin
School of Government Management,Shenzhen University,Shenzhen 518000,China
Abstract:The ethical governance of artificial intelligence is an important issue faced by the deepening of the reform of electronic governments around the world,and also a key topic discussed by the academic community.Among them,how to construct the principles of ethical governance and how to adapt to the practice of ethical management become the primary issues.The UK has explored a typical ethical governance model of AI under the concept of evidence-based governance.According to the relevant documents of AI ethics governance,this study adopts the text analysis method and summarizes the constructing evidence and the content level of AI ethics governance principles in the UK public sector.Meanwhile,this paper takes the AI and public standards review of the Committee on Standards in Public Life as an example to present and refine the evidence-based logic of“principle guidance-principle application-principle embedding”.
耿旭, 黄妙欣. 证据的善治:英国公共部门人工智能伦理治理的原则建构与循证逻辑[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2023(6): 170-179.
Geng Xu, Huang Miaoxin. Good Governance of Evidence:Principle Construction and Evidence-Based Logic for the Ethical Governance of Artificial Intelligence in the UK Public Sector. , 2023(6): 170-179.
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