Abstract:From the perspective of multi-agent collaboration, the “inter-chain integration (ICI)”path of the industrial chain and the innovation chain are determined.According to the subject situation of basic or connecting or product state in different links, and the related indicators of the innovation chain and the industrial chain, the ICI path and the full-link integration path is determined taking the stem cell industry for positive research and using the methods of the coupling coordination degree and fsQCA.The research shows that the ICI path between the basic state and the connection state includes three types named as scientific research feedback type, enterprise extension type, and government cooperation type;ICI path between the connection state and the product state includes three types named as organization development type, knowledge cocoon-break type and function emergence type;According to the results of the two-stage ICI path, the full-link road necessary path “enterprise-enterprise-hospital”for the integration of the two chains for the stem cell industry is obtained;The level of regional ICI can be continuously increased by centering on the necessary industrial path, followed by the subjects'collaboration required by the primary, advanced and supplementary path.The research conclusion can not only enrich the research perspective of the integration of industrial chain and innovation chain, but also provide effective practical guidance and decision-making basis for the integration and development of the two chains in the region.
王雪原, 李家先. 多主体协同视角下产业链与创新链 “链际融合”路径设计[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2023(9): 48-58.
Wang Xueyuan, Li Jiaxian. “Inter-chain Integration”Path Design of Industrial Chain and Innovation Chain from the Perspective of Multi-agent Collaboration. , 2023(9): 48-58.
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