Impact of the Proportion of Investment in Basic Research and Applied Research on Scientific and Technological Innovation ——Evidence From 36 OECD Countries
Yang Fei, Zhong Shuhua
School of Public Administration,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074,China
Abstract:Taking the data of 36 OECD countries from 2011 to 2020 as the research sample,the two-way fixed-effect model was applied to discuss the impact of the proportion of basic research and applied research investment on scientific and technological innovation,and the composition range of researchers and funding investment was analyzed.It is found that an increase in proportion of basic researchers does not significantly enhance the scientific and technological innovation capacity of OECD countries,but it significantly enhances the scientific and technological innovation capacity of countries with low institutional environment level and high-income.An increase in proportion of basic research funding significantly weakens the scientific and technological innovation capacity of OECD countries,and has a more significant negative impact on the scientific and technological innovation capacity of countries with low institutional environment level and non-top ten economic scale.In the proportion of basic research and applied researchers,the average proportion of“low-high” type is 3:7,while the average proportion of“high-low” type is 6:4.In the proportion of basic research funding and innovation output index,the average research funding proportion of“low-high”type is 3:7,while the average research funding proportion of“high-high” type is 5:5.
杨菲, 钟书华. 基础研究与应用研究投入构成比例对科技创新的影响——来自36个OECD国家的证据[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2024(1): 147-157.
Yang Fei, Zhong Shuhua. Impact of the Proportion of Investment in Basic Research and Applied Research on Scientific and Technological Innovation ——Evidence From 36 OECD Countries. , 2024(1): 147-157.
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