Abstract:Starting from the perspective of Astropolitics,this article explores the origin of the GPS and its competition with the GLONASS,and analyzes the formation motives and promotion paths of the global promotion strategy of the US GPS.Research has found that under the dual influence of US military doctrine and development budget cuts,US has established a global promotion strategy for the GPS and has adopted three promotion paths.First,it cooperates with other countries in the field of global navigation satellite systems;Second,it actively promotes the GPS to the global civil sector with the help of domestic legislation and through cooperation with international organizations,and gradually establishes the leading edge of the GPS in the global civil sector;Third,it cooperates with the private sectors to enhance the value of the use of the GPS.The path taken by the US to promote GPS systems globally has provided experience and inspiration for the global promotion of China's Beidou system.
曾维威, 刘宏松. 美国全球定位系统全球推广的动因与路径[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2024(11): 169-178.
Zeng Weiwei, Liu Hongsong. The Motivation and Path of Global Promotion of the GPS of U.S.. , 2024(11): 169-178.
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