The Fusion and Development Trends of Technologies in Strategic Emerging Industries:A Comparative Study Based on Patents from China,the United States and Europe
Peng Wenbo, Yu Xiang
School of Management,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074,China
Abstract:Exploring the evolutionary patterns of strategic emerging industry technology integration aids in predicting technology development trends,identifying technological opportunities,and driving the emergence of new technologies.This paper collects authorized patent data from the three economic entities of China,the United States,and Europe.It constructs fusion networks for 40 second-level sub-technologies in strategic emerging industries for each economic entity.Using a comprehensive approach combining social network analysis and hierarchical structure tree analysis,the paper conducts longitudinal comparisons of technological fusion changes in China,the United States,and Europe in the time dimension and horizontal comparisons in the spatial dimension.It analyzes the similarity of trends in technological fusion in strategic emerging industries among China,the United States,and Europe and performs significance tests.Both China and the United States have seized the latest round of industrial transformation,but there are differences in the direction of technological fusion.China should grasp the laws and trends of technological fusion in strategic emerging industries to avoid errors in judging the direction of industrial development.It is important to encourage the development of new technological routes and business models through technological fusion and learn from the successful technological fusion directions of the United States and Europe,leveraging the leading advantages of industries with high fusion breadth.
彭文波, 余翔. 战略性新兴产业的技术融合与发展趋势——基于中美欧专利的比较研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2024(3): 177-188.
Peng Wenbo, Yu Xiang. The Fusion and Development Trends of Technologies in Strategic Emerging Industries:A Comparative Study Based on Patents from China,the United States and Europe. , 2024(3): 177-188.
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